your path through life




Where am I going? Do you ever ask yourself this question? I do, just about everyday. I want to know whether or not I am wasting my time doing what I am doing, or whether I need to be doing what I am doing or doing something else. It probably wouldn’t make any difference, but like Allen Ginsberg said a long time ago, “every body has to be someplace.” Or was it more like “nobody’s anywhere?” I forget. I forget a lot of things.  It probably doesn’t matter whether I remember or not because nobody cares anyway. When the curtain falls and the veil is ripped away, the shroud of illusion, then we will be able to see a little more clearly. Asking yourself this question can lead to a lot of other questions, like ”why am I acting like such  a dickhead?” or “did I really need to be such an asshole?” or just generally ask yourself, in an every day assessment of your activities or behaviors, “how did I do today, did I do all I could to make things better, or did I contribute to the chaos, insanity, and hostility?” Simple questions, but meaningful nonetheless, questions that can indeed lead to personal transformations of sorts. Give up your ego, give up the stupid things. Some things can change easy, and some take a little longer and are a little harder to change, but the important thing is that you try. Where are you going? Only you can know for sure. And it does make a difference.

Where Are You Going ?